API answered with an Errorcode:
API answer (no valid JSON, first 300 chars):
var dat_arr = [{"Dat":"12.04.24","cDa":"12.04.24","Nom":"12.04.24/1","Mod":"Д20","Vin":"","GNo":"ГБЦ","Kli":"ГБЦ привезли в четве...
Debug Info:DEBUG: wp_remote_get to https://dm61.ru/dm/dat.js
DEBUG: arguments: Array
[timeout] => 5
DEBUG: success getting URL
If you want to use the WP-Shortcode: CopyPaste this Shortcode in the Shortcode-Block or the WordPress-TEXT-editor!
API answer:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to